Some editing

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Good suggestion. What happens if someone makes changes on the work you have done? Does editing happen willy nilly?

Urmila Samson (talk)19:59, 15 June 2012

Aye (meaning yes, I vote in favor) ... and frankly i really liked the primary Misssion and Vision statements and think they're a great base to start from.

I guess the whole point of putting this on a wiki is to have someone else make changes to the work one has done. Every edit made is saved and the last version is backed up automatically and there's always a "history" link somewhere, so one can see exactly what changes have been made. One can then revert ie. go back to the original. In case of vandalism, people can see a bad change, look at the history and mark an edit as a case of vandalism.

It's a little difficult to grasp the concept that there really is no single caretaker and everybody are caretakers, that keeping everything open automatically leads to security without the need for authority. But that's how the first communities came about, that's how wikipedia came about so it would be great to see it play out here.

Answerquest (talk)00:18, 16 June 2012

Yes, in nature this is called Autocatalysis within our body,Autoregulation. Overall, this is known as Self-organisation. It is a very important part of this universe, but certain individual tends to think that he controls everything!

Answerquest, I do not know your age, but you have learnt a very important lesson in life! I bow to you in humility.

Bkpsusmitaa (talk)02:27, 16 June 2012