Review and feedback from Mark Brown, Massey University

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Mark Brown, Director, Blended and Distance Education @ Massey University submitted the following feedback on an earlier draft of the FAQs and Membership categories. With thanks to Mark's scholarship, we have implemented this valuable feedback.

Mark provided the following feedback on our previous draft:

"Some feedback on the two sections...


  1. Could include a license link in what are OER?
  2. I wonder if the OER stats should appear under a separate question of "Who are the registered users of...?"
  3. Could add reputation benefit under "How will OER benefit my institution?" as your institution is seen as a good global citizen. I see this benefit comes further down under membership...
  4. What about a question around "How will students in your institution benefit from OERs? The answer could refer to reduced costs of textbooks along with promoting more engaging forms of learning, etc.
  5. Answers with the single word 'yes' might benefit from some further narrative to explain how or who to contact
  6. Dollar value of membership needs to say what currency under FAQs section

Types of Membership

  1. Categories and benefits clear to people who understand the concept. In the future you may benefit from quotes from signed up members and links to their pages as examples.
  2. A statement about disaster recovery for hosted options might be of interest to CIOs."

Thanks Mark -- we appreciate this.

Mackiwg (talk)17:37, 15 October 2009