Predicating vs. Predicting

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OK.. watch this:

Variation of At a more basic level, each time I communicate with others, I am predicating. I am predicating that my message will be communicated. I am predicating that my audience will understand my meaning. I am predicating that my audience will react in a certain way, etc. They can be either sound or weak, but nonetheless are still predications.

Adding the letter a transforms prediction to predication empowering the text to be based upon intentional action and authentic identity rather than expectation and conjecture. Think in terms of predicate functor logic based in a first order rule that describes an algebraic progression through a series of logical steps that are more assertive and result-oriented.

A predication, with you as the human functor puts you in a better position to control outcomes and convince your audience. Rather than supporting a cause as an external actor or prognosticator, you become the cause and your predications become your effect upon your environment (in mathematical terms - domain and range) which eventually morphs into an active sphere of influence for you and your colleagues rather than the passive voice of shaky prediction.

Just a thought. :) yeoman 16:40, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

CQ (talk)04:40, 16 June 2010

Interesting, distinguishing between intentional action and authentic identity and expectation and conjecture. I'm not an expert in logic, but I'm still leaning towards the term prediction as I don't view knowledge as a proposition or representational state, terms that come to mind when I think of the word intentionality. Also, the term "authentic identity" for me is a bit ambiguous. But nonetheless, I appreciate you sharing your views and will continue to mull it over!

Bnleez (talk)02:47, 21 June 2010