Online tools

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I think we should wait until module 6 when we are scheduled to cover modes of learning before we go into detail about tools. This topic needs to focus on open and online pedagogy so the readings need to be about this and the portfolio activity.

So I will leave this here for now. Familiarise yourself with these online tools:

Icon casestudy.gif
Case Study
A case study of Mahara e-portfolio

Keep these for later.

  • Consider one of the ten Strategies for engaging learners in a blended environment suggested by Jeffery et al. and reflect on a new activity/resource/tool/task that you have used in Moodle to engage your own learners in an online environment (maximum 100 words). If you have not used Moodle before, perhaps you would prefer to reflect on another technology tool that could be used to achieve the same outcome.
Bronwyn Hegarty (talk)15:50, 25 June 2013