Mind Brain And Education Science

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There is a urgent need to close the gap between laboratory neuroscience research and teachers’ practice in their classrooms. the gap between these fields was to be filled by a establishing a common vocabulary and creating framework for the interflow of information in these parent fields so that is done by the advent of the new field of Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) sometimes called Educational neuroscience or Neuroeducation. It is posited as a mediator between neuroscience, psychology and education (Tokuhama ,2008). Despite the decade of the brain in the 1990s, and years of educators striving to adopt evidence based practice, it is clear that brain science is the driving force behind improving education practices. The era of brain-based pedagogy should be supplanted by a richer, interdisciplinary dialogue aimed at understanding and reshaping the study of learning. The time is now to forge strong alliances between the brain sciences and education to work to inform best practices at school, home, and in the community (Fischer et.al 2009). Innovations in technology, imaging and other brain science research tools enable us to bring additional information to share with social science and behavioral science to create a fuller picture. The interdisciplinary and inter-institutional nature of this work is both exciting and essential for developing real solutions to educational issues.'

Mona Goraya (talk)20:08, 22 January 2012