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This is a brilliant offer. Thanks so much, Leigh.

My name is Amy Lenzo <> and if there was some way of talking about what I actually do I might say I'm an independent online communications designer/strategist. As part of that work, I'm the Community Tech Steward for the World Café, and one of the people facilitating online conversations for this international non-profit network. I also facilitate in a number of other online communities, and find that I am becoming more and more interested and involved in the art of facilitating learning spaces online, so this is perfect. Many thanks to Nancy White, for letting us know it was available.

Amylenzo (talk)05:56, 27 July 2008

My name is Cathy Deckers and I am a nursing instructor in California. I am excited about this offering and am looking forward to seeing how I can incorporate these tools into my learning setting. I am also finishing my doctorate degree in Educational Technology. This seems like a perfect way to put things into practice for me - thanks for the offering.

Cdeck77 (talk)02:31, 28 July 2008

Welcome Cathy, we teach nursing at the Otago Polytechnic, and I hope some of our teachers will join in on this course. Sarah STewart (see above) is a midwifery teacher here, and an excellent contact for you to have for this course... hint hint ;)

Leighblackall (talk)17:23, 28 July 2008

Excellent to see such experience joining us. Welcome Amy

Leighblackall (talk)17:20, 28 July 2008