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Last edit: 00:59, 29 July 2008

How could I possibly miss this opportunity? :-) My name is Sylvia Currie and I have been facilitating online communities for the past 10 years. A few months ago I started a new job as manager of online community services for, and more than ever I'm helping others to become comfortable in an online facilitation role. There's always so much to learn and I'm thrilled to be part of this course. I'm taking some mini holidays in July and August but hope to be active throughout the 10 (17? - even better!) weeks. Leigh, feel free to throw some jobs my way if you need any help!

I will be using my Webbed Feat blog for the course since it already is primarily related to online communities. As suggested I'm using the tag FOC08 for posts related to this course.

Sylvia.currie (talk)06:36, 15 July 2008

Hi Sylvia! You might regret that offer :) See how we go.. great to have such experience in the mix! This might turn out to be a very thorough course :)

Leighblackall (talk)20:41, 17 July 2008