Intro from Tim

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Hello Lesley I have really enjoyed reading your blog - great work getting it up so quickly - hopefully you have got your settings so you get an alert when comments are left. We have a Brighton here in Dunedin also by a beach and what a wonderful summer we are having. The last trip to a beach I took the dogs on ended in hilarity after they drank too much sea water chasing a ball. Luckily the accidents happened before we got in the car but not so good for the observers on the beach.

You are right- the idea of the blogs is that they will become another medium for communication - and not sit in isolation. The primary communication mode I am hoping as people start reading them and leaving comments.

All the participant blogs are going to be linked on the course blog so people have ready access and if I can figure it out I will add an RSS feed so whenever people make a new post it will feed into the course blog and alert us. You can of course set up your own RSS feed to blogs on bloglines ( if you want.

Good to have a geographic mix - Papakura, Auckland; Christchurch and Bristol, UK - not that it makes any difference. But we already have a global element to our class interactions.

I was interested to read about some of your thoughts about evaluation on your blog. Bronwyn

Bronwynh (talk)11:24, 26 February 2008