Hi Everyone - This is Anupam

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I teach (part time) at the School of Applied Management, Otago Polytechnic. Currently I teach Catering Management. I am originally from India and moved to Dunedin in 96. My main work experience has been in import/export with the last few years (before I moved to NZ) as a commodity trader based in Taiwan in charge of the SE Asian markets. With such a high flying job I was hoping to retire by 35, but alas, all I got was hair raising experiences of roller coaster market movements and high blood pressure. In Dunedin I ran a restaurant for 7 years before moving to teaching. I have a wife who teaches at the Polytechnic's school of fashion and a 7 year old daughter who is getting more expensive by the day! my blog

Anupam (talk)10:18, 13 March 2008