Hello from Jan

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Hello Bronwyn, Tim, Yvonne and Lesley (hope I have not missed anyone out.)

After a bit of a struggle to register with the WikiEducator and some email assistance from Bronwyn I am finally here. It is 5.30pm, and the place is relatively quiet with classes finished for the day but a Council meeting still in progress on the floor above me. I work at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic in sunny Tauranga with a work role as Academic Manager. This means I have a responsibility for policy development, programme approval, review, and evaluation systems including internal audit. All the quality systems stuff, so no wonder I am interested in evaluation. I'll go into that a liittle more once I get into the blog - all new learning for me.

This is my second course in the Grad Cert. On a personal level, I'm married to Graham and play outdoor bowls. I have a son who lives in Brussels and two gorgeous grandaughters - Caitlin 2 years 5 months and Lauren 13 months.

Regards Jan H 26/2/08

JanH (talk)17:33, 26 February 2008