Google Docs
Hi All,
I have just discovered a useful feature for those that want to publish a file on their blogs.
I created a table to try to better understand/assimilate the Educational Paradigms article and wanted to publish it to my blog, but tables do not seem to work on blogs, when I tried to cut and paste it, so I needed to find a way to link the document to my blog.
The help files were helpful and I ended up at a thread which asked how to add file, which led me to Google Docs (scroll down to "Adding Pages, MS Word Documents, Spreadsheets"). This is just a way to store your documents on line, such that they have a URL that your blog can link to.
Simple to use and saved me typing and reformatting the info.
Probably sucking eggs for some, but I liked it.
P.S. Here is the link to the table if you want it.