Going global with the NZ guidelines ....

Fragment of a discussion from Talk:PDFL
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thanks Wayne sorry for the delay in replying. I am still getting the hang of communicating on the wiki. I like your suggestions re a guidelines portal. During our steering committee meetings a few of us have been pushing for migrating the elearning guidelines across to WikiEd. this is still under discussion and some of the resistance has been due to people's need for branding and the perception that custom-built websites done by companies that charge lots of money are better- they have been slow to understand that branding can still occur on WikiEd and about the importance of ongoing collaboration and sustainability for a project such as this - a couple of us have turned blue trying to get people to understand.

John Milne at massey is the project manager for the overall project and oversees the project with the steering committee. I have passed on your comment to him to present at the meeting tomorrow as I wont be able to attend.

j.d.milne@massey.ac.nz http://elg.massey.ac.nz Bronwyn

Bronwynh (talk)14:59, 17 December 2007