General feedback and discussions on the proposed survey

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Personally, the term formal evaluation is vague. Taking a course for credit is one thing. If they are taking the MOOC for credit, we might simply task what types of assessment were involved: informal discussions (i.e., forums, Twitter, etc.), academic prompts (i.e., SQ3R, RAFT, etc.), question and answer (essential questions), task-based learning, problem-based learning (problem setting and solving - action research), eportfolios, performance tasks (Wiggins and McTighe, 2005), quizzes, exams, etc.

Another question might relate to instruments, tactics, or spaces used: mindmaps, rubrics, charts, charts, OERs, personal website, personal blog, wiki, personal learning network development (before and after MOOC),

And finally, perhaps a question related to types of assessment interaction: self, peer, MOOC facilitator(s), other experts, and other novices. The other novices approach intrigues me because teachers could assess a credit-seeking student by having the student assume the teacher's role in teaching someone else something.

Just some thoughts...any other assessment-related considerations?

Bnleez (talk)09:40, 6 July 2011

Hi Ben,

These are great ideas and we will definitely need to incorporate these discussions in the planning of the OERu's.

The OERu logic model has identified two initiatives where this planning and discussion is needed, specifically: Open Assessment Services and Open Credential services.

I don't think we will be able to realistically cover the design of the assessment and credentialing models with this survey -- it this time just useful to think about the potential demand for assessment services and whether this has a perceived impact on participation and completions rates. The data surveyed in CCK08 clearly indicates significantly higher participation rates in the case of for-credit students -- but that obvious.

Mackiwg (talk)10:25, 6 July 2011