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This is looking good. A clear and succinct overview. I think some further activities to explore the topic further are needed. Literacy and numeracy progressions link is good, and it would be good if they can do a diagnostic assessment of themselves as an online learner. You could also refer them back to module one, expert learner resources, and maybe the material on critical thinking so they can think again if they are a critical thinker.

  • I don't like this sentence: "The term diagnosis is often used with the sense of a detailed definition of a problem, such as a medical condition. " Best just to launch straight into what diagnostic assessment means in education. Otherwise we may get them confused about diagnostic assessments that are done in the health fields - nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy etc.
  • Include numeracy in Brett's scenario as this is a big concern in carpentry at OP.
  • Found these resources which look useful for assessing readiness for online learning - the Merlot one has lots of links to different surveys:
Online Learning Readiness Questionnaire
Online Learning Self Assessment - Salisbury University.
Merlot resources - List of links to diagnostic assessments for online learning.
Research article - Research on Assessing Readiness for E-Learning. Ryan Watkins. It has the sample questionnaire at the end and an overview of others. I have made a tiny url for the link to the pdf:

--Bronwynh 21:08, 3 November 2013 (UTC)

Bronwynh (talk)08:19, 4 November 2013