Development meeting 6 November 2008
To do:
- Leigh apply the standard to the Tour Guiding course (by 15 November)
- Programme Page
- Course page - outline, objectives, schedule and support
- Activities pages and an RSS resource page
- Hillary to learn (by 15 November)
- Hillary to find out about a programme marketing budget (by 15 November)
- Susan to go through old slide presentations and apply new OP template (start 10 November and within 5 hours)
- Hillary to provide Susan with slide presentations that are ready. (Properly attributed and referenced). Hillary also to provide Susan with department template as supplied by Marketing.
- Hillary to indicate order of priority for slides to be changed to new template
- Susan to change as many slide presentations to the new template as possible, based on allocated 5 hours
- Hillary and Kevin will clean up Destination and NZ and World Geography series (start 17 November)
- Hillary to provide Susan with ready slide presentations with order of priority for development.
- Susan to produce video versions of the Destination and NZ and World Geography series presentations (start 24 November and within 10 hours)
- Susan to record audio for Destination and NZ and World Geography series one presentation at a time.
- Susan will generate a video version of the presentation according to open standards best practice and provide Hillary with a finished video for each presentation, as well as supporting source media folder.
- Susan to work on one presentation at a time and achieve as many finished videos as possible in the allocated 10 hours