Defining Rights and Decent Work

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Hi people,i was sick and unable to be online with you for a week,hope i will be allowed to continue, My contributions on Defining Rights and Decent work,Young people have the right to participate in the affairs of their nation,be it political,Economical and Social aspects of their respective countries,Decent work is simply a decent environment to do work from and a decent pay.

Samipyet2011 (talk)19:54, 17 February 2011

Hi pep[;e i strongly agree with the points above that youth rights and decent work is very important especially when i comes to Youth empowerment and job creations in African countries. Most of our youths are going through a lot of challenges when it come to the issue of getting jobs and job creation. i wonder if our presidents and political leaders do understand what they sign at international conventions because we have Our Africa n Youth Charter which has not been Domesticated to the needs of the youths in different counteris

Ckluchembe (talk)08:29, 23 April 2011

Hi pep[;e i strongly agree with the points above that youth rights and decent work is very important especially when i comes to Youth empowerment and job creations in African countries. Most of our youths are going through a lot of challenges when it come to the issue of getting jobs and job creation. i wonder if our presidents and political leaders do understand what they sign at international conventions because we have Our Africa n Youth Charter which has not been Domesticated to the needs of the youths in different counters

Ckluchembe (talk)08:34, 23 April 2011