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What are your comments guys about the draft which was sent you all? Kago will catch up with us.

Hove (talk)04:33, 29 March 2010

why use only four responses from the leadership questionnaires. i did not see the profiles of the group members in the draft, also lessons learnt were not included in the draft

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:36, 29 March 2010

don't forget we are eight in the group and each group member is expected to interview a leader. so it will make sense to include all the responses from leaders interviewed.

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:38, 29 March 2010

please guys give it a thorough read and point out two items that you have learnt... in point form and include them in the feedback

Kay go (talk)04:42, 29 March 2010

ok. when do u need it?

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:46, 29 March 2010


Kay go (talk)04:49, 29 March 2010

The Lecturer said we should use three or four leadership profile hence the scaling down of the number of pages. Individual profiles could not be incooperated becoz you did not send them.

Hove (talk)04:48, 29 March 2010

only four responses because the assignment now only requires four, lessons learnt were included at then end of the document.

Kay go (talk)04:40, 29 March 2010

i think it will make sense to summarize the leadership profiles of the group members and situate it with the various theories

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:44, 29 March 2010

only you and Victor have provided profiles, but will ensure to redo the last part such that group member profiles are situated

Kay go (talk)04:47, 29 March 2010

that means u have some disclaimer treatment for defaulting members

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:50, 29 March 2010

I remember Akachi also sent through his. I will look for it and refoward.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:53, 29 March 2010

yo Victor FNBB is giving the run around so can you organise an organisation that we can do the Information system assignment, we have to start work on it immediately!

Kay go (talk)05:02, 29 March 2010

Looks ok, but i will send out my comments online.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)04:38, 29 March 2010

JC, welcome. are u back from washington?

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:40, 29 March 2010