Citing sources

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Seth one way of dealing with this could be:

  • Keep using the footnotes to preserve URLs for the print version
  • Have a sources subsection on the page where we manually include the references.

So in the the body of the text you might say "I love OERs" (Gurell 2008).


Gurell, S. 2008. OER Handbook ......

Mackiwg (talk)09:35, 4 June 2008

I'm a little confused, isn't that what is being done already? Maybe if you could demonstrate on one section? I envisioned moving the sources to the end of each part of the lifecycle for the upcoming print version. For example, all the citations used in the Get OER would be placed at the end of that section, all of the Create OER citations would be placed at the end of that section.

There are two reasons why I haven't done so now:

  1. I wanted to keep everything on the same page to accommodate easy editing
  2. If someone wanted to print a single section, they could do so, with all the necessary (and only the necessary) attribution following.

By the way, I having been formatting sources by APA, although I recognize there may be errors.

Sgurell (talk)10:11, 4 June 2008

Hi Seth -- sorry for the delay in response.

It's been a hectic week. I wasn't suggesting any changes to your referencing model. There are subtle difference between APA and Harvard citation. The important thing is to be consistent throughout the handbook -- which you have been doing.

My comment about citation is more about a WE wide policy for citation -- which is still WIP.

Mackiwg (talk)05:08, 8 June 2008

Thank you for clarifying.

Sgurell (talk)18:40, 8 June 2008