Business For Today

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I will do the brief analysis of the company tonight and ship the document to you. The key reference document will be the 10K document, which i forwarded to all of you.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)06:26, 27 April 2009

Thanks a lot. Its nice we will have the doc by tommorrow. ALthough the 10K document is available, the breif developed in the format i gave will be helpful. We will all also be falling on you for more bits and peices of info. You must definitly know the company - even if not too thouroughly, better than any of us.

Victor.mensah (talk)06:30, 27 April 2009

Victor - Maybe the key question is do we need to look at an entity where we have authority to talk to the company or not? If so, then we may have an issue here?

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)06:35, 27 April 2009

At this particular stage i beleive the most important thing is to KNOW the company and how their operate. We may use any company at all so far as we can make authoritative assessment of issues. Even without permission from the company (like in my first case), because i KNEW how we operate, the brief allowed all members to make analyses even without having TOO MUCH information on the company.

Victor.mensah (talk)06:39, 27 April 2009