Bug - time setting displayed on thread posts

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In MW, users have the preference to offset the server time for the local time zones.

For example in my case -7 hours from UTC.

So on the recent changes page - the times of talk page entries are displayed in local time, however on the LiqudThread pages the time displayed does not take the user preference settings into account.


Mackiwg (talk)14:59, 7 October 2007
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 07:08, 10 January 2008

Just testing a reply. Wondering what this summary thing does...

[do you think it's a good idea that I can edit your posts? From Tony, the poster below]

JuhaV (talk)19:58, 20 December 2007

This is my first reply...

I'll try the summary next

Tonyk (talk)07:07, 10 January 2008