Bronwyn's intro

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dear all I have posted some background on my blog about how I got into evaluation. For this course I thought I would share a project I am currently leading: a research evaluation into a Designing for Flexible Learning Practice (DFLP) course. Some of the stuff about the project is on WikiEducator: The power of design on flexible learning and digital network literacy.

Data collection: At the moment we are collecting data through an online survey and also through focus groups. The DFLP course is a compulsory course in the Graduate Certificate in Tertiary learning and Teaching (GCTLT) and has been run twice so far. As you will see on the project site, we are evaluating against three eLearning Guidelines, one of which we wrote ourselves and I think it has been added to the site. This is the beauty of the site, you can write your own stuff and/or modify what is already there.

For fun when not teaching or helping people design and develop flexible courses or doing research, I love to go for long walks with my husband and the dogs. Watch tv series and films on DVD, go to the movies and theatre and concerts. The highlight for us in March is going to be the Wellington Arts festival - Black Watch, Book of Longing and the Dentist's chair - and we get to go with our son who lives there. Then we are off to Womad in New Plymouth. The rest of the year I will be esconsed at home (right spelling?) and finishing my Doctorate.

I look forward to meeting more of you on here and on your blogs. Bronwyn

Bronwynh (talk)11:42, 26 February 2008