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Bulimia nervosa: A psychiatric eating disorder related to the persons fear of fatness, in which cycles of gorging on a large quantities of food are followed by self –induce vomiting and use of diuretics and laxatives to maintain a “normal” body weight. An estimated five million people in the United States, primarily girls and women, suffer from eating disorders of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Many more suffer from (binge eating) disorder or other related conditions that imperil the sufferer’s well-being.  An estimated 85 percent of eating disorders start during adolescence. Among U.S. adolescents, some makers of disordered eating such as restrained eating, binge eating, purging, fear of fatness and distorted body image are intra ordinarily common. In one national survey of over 6,700 adolescents in grades 5 through 12 almost half of girls and fifth of boys reported having dieted to lose weight. Disorder eating among girls was 13 percent, and among boys, 7 percent. A survey at major university found that only 8 percent of students were overweight by objective (BMI), yet more than half of the students themselves reported them self overweight.

Most patients with Bulimia Nervosa have powerful urges to eat very large amount of food, and then often make themselves sick or take laxatives to prevent gaining weight, they choose and intake of 1,000 to many thousand calories of easy-to-eat, low-fiber, smooth-texture, high-fat- carbohydrate foods e.g. cookies, cakes and ice creams and eat the entire bag of cookies, the whole cake and every spoonful in a carton of ice-cream and still afraid of becoming fat and have a distorted image of shape and size and often eat in private hiding their problem away from others; this attitude of eating is what we call (binge eating). This eating disorder can lead to Bulimia Nervosa due to the following Factors: Emotional shock and grief, stress over a period of time, unhappy about body size and shape, a need to have control over one’s life. Anima is a 22 year-old flight attendant, and although her body weight is healthy, she thinks constantly about food. She alternately starves herself and then secretly Binges; when she has secretly eaten too much, she vomits. Few people would fail to recognize that symptoms signify Bulimia Nervosa. The above attitude could mean the same characteristics of Bulimia Nervosa; Bulimia Nervosa is distinct from Anorexia Nervosa and is much more prevalent, although the true incidence is difficult to establish; as stated Bulimic Patient often suffer in secret and when asked, may deny the existence of a problem. More men suffer from Bulimia Nervosa than from Anorexia Nervosa, but Bulimia is still most common in women; based on a questionnaire, one study estimates that 19 percent of female college students experience bulimic symptoms; and are usually depressed and often impulsive and have low self esteem, when crisis hits, they respond by replying events, worrying excessively; seeking so lack in alcohol and tobacco and blaming themselves but never ask for help- behaviors that are barriers to effective coping. In situation like this the family can play a role to help the patient; often the families of bulimic people are observed to be externally controlling but emotionally uninvolved with their children, resulting in a stifling negative self image; dieting, arguments, criticism of body shape or weight, minimal affection and caring, and other weaknesses are common in the families. Typically, the family has a “secrets” that are hidden from outside; Bulimic women who report having been abused sexually or physically by family members or friends may continually suffer a sense of being unable to gain control. Family cooperation is important, however, because making changes within a family requires effort from every one and such effort is well spent, for changing distinctive family interactions can greatly benefit the person who has begun to fight against Bulimia Nervosa. The patient with Bulimia Nervosa may suffer both physical and psychological perils; purging may seems to offer a quick and easy solution to the problems of unwanted calories and body weight, but bingeing and purging have serious physical consequences. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance caused by abnormal heart rhythms and injury to the kidneys leading to Urinary tract infection ac cause kidney failure. Vomiting causes irritation and infection of the pharynx. Esophagus and salivary gland; erosion of the teeth and the dental caries. The esophagus or the stomach may rapture or tear. Over use of emetics can lead to death by heart failure. The patient can also develop sore throat, swollen salivary glands. They often have tiredness, muscle weakness, constipation, and headaches through losing potassium and chloride when they vomit. Bulimia Nervosa can be treated in Special Hospitals by expert help at hand, treatment for eating disorder is usually long and it is often not possible to say whether a patient been cured. Patients often return to normal weight and eat regularly, but tend to slip back in to old habits of controlling what they eat if they come under pressure or are unhappy again. Patient occasionally are weak and must allow them self to be put in bed; often the whole family are included to give them an understanding of the problem. Much patience and understanding is required from family members and patient if treatment is to have any chance of success. To gain control over food and establish regular eating patterns requires adherence to a structured eating plan. Restrictive dieting is forbidden, for it almost always precedes and may even trigger binges. Study maintenance of weight and prevention of relapse in to cyclic gains and losses are the goals. Many Former Bulimia Nervosa sufferers has taken a major step toward recovery by learning to constantly eat enough food to satisfy hunger needs (at least 1,600 calories a day). Daily physical activity may also be a key importance in recovering from Bulimia. About half of women receiving a diagnosis of Bulimia may recover completely after five to ten years with or without treatment, but treatment probably speeds the recovery process. Persons suffering from Bulimia Nervosa should be aware of his or her abnormal eating behavior and must be prepared to recover and avoid clings to denial, pretending nothing is wrong. REFERENCES: (1) WILLIAMS, SUE ROD WELL. ESSENTIAL OF NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY SIXTH EDITION.

                       (2) TULL ANITA. FOOD AND NUTRITION,   THIRD EDITION.  
Danso (talk)14:26, 26 March 2012