A very late 'Hello All' from Sue
Hello All,
Am I the last to join?
Hopefully I haven't missed too much...
My name is Sue Hugill and this is my fifth paper in the Grad Cert in E-Learning. My goal is to complete the Certificate this year. In a past life I was a hairdresser, but I've been teaching hairdressing at the School of Hair and Beauty at Manukau Institute of Technology for the last 13 years. I love teaching and thoroughly enjoy everything the digital age has brought to my fingertips. My vision is to create an engaging online environment for my 'digitally native' students - I'm slowly getting there :)
I've just done a quick skim read and it's great to see some familiar names, as well a few peeps I've not met before ...so HI ALL :)
Right. It seems I need to get a Blog going so I best be off to get that organised. No doubt I'll get a chance to interact with you all later,
OK Blog setup @ http://hugi1.blogspot.com/ (still needs a bit of tweaking but hopefully you can access it...:) )