922N assignmnet 2
Evelyn has sent an email to Shumi, stating she can get that meeting, I have been on the tigerbrand wesite and the financial info available with investor presentation is from 2002. The good thing here is that it is a South African company that operates in a South Africa enviroment and is listed,it will be more difficult for the lecturer to use a Uganda company. My new divisional manager is from Tiger brands and he is still an nonexecutive member of the board of Tiger brands, you can go on the website and is clearly stated, I will also get his critique on this assignment--Luisaserra 16:09, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
Thanks Luisa. Looks like we are heading toward Tiger arent we?
I need to have everyone confortable with this decision, let's see where Jeremiah stands. Unfortunately Kaygo is not in the wiki and Shungu and Hove after logging in has been silent--Luisaserra 16:20, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
Evelyn mentioned that she does have a couple of contacts in Tiger. I hope she can get us the interview
--Shumimlingo 16:16, 30 May 2010 (UTC)