912L - Operations
Hi Luisa...we'll be borrowing on your expertise on this area. --Shumimlingo 16:18, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
Shumi, please be specific on the subject you want my opinion, because remember for me is quite evident.....--Luisaserra 16:22, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
This is the most difficult subject for me i wish i could just get a pass on this because i do not have clue as to how i will tackle it, but anyway i will have to read more of it.
Same, here.
- Luisa, i will compile a list of my difficult areas under operations and send during the week. I wish i can defer opperations, finance and econs until the suplimentary exams but i am booked durring that period.
Victor do not start get desperate, focus energy that is it. Send me the challenges you are facing I will definetly get back to you my email is ok now, hopefully it will be good until the exams are over--Luisaserra 16:37, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
AMEN and Thanks.
Lions, any queries for me on Operations management, please send me even by email any support you need I will galdly reply. As an advise do not leave it for the night before the exam, that night I will not be available--Luisaserra 16:25, 20 September 2009 (UTC)