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Hi Lions

I am on. I have only just received the final document, and have one comment:"Our Environmental Organizational Safety and Health (EOSH) are of high standards at CBC..." are we referring here to a EOSH policy/philosophy/committee? "environmentally friend "- please change to "friendly"

Should we include a glossary or perhaps put the full word in brackets when we use abbreviations, such as PPE

"CBC does not tolerate any forms of harassment - perhaps say that CBC has zero tolerance towards any form of harassment, and clearly stipulate the different forms of harassment in the workplace, as listed below..

Other than that, well done.

EVELYN (talk)04:13, 12 April 2010

Welcome to Wiki Chat Evelyn.

Hove (talk)04:17, 12 April 2010

hi Evelyn, u are welcome

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:18, 12 April 2010

Thanks, Evelyn, regarding the acronyms the code as been developed for the staff at CBC those acronyms are part of the way we talk, we do not ever say the prersonal protective equipment we always say PPE, and the same goes for EOSH, and alo for TCCMS, HR, and SAP, etc. I have included an abbreviations list for the assignment, but the code itself will keep the acronyms as these are part of the way we talk. The other sugestions I am reading now the assignment and incorporating--Luisaserra 16:18, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:18, 12 April 2010

thanks guys, I am relieved that I am able to communicate with you. This is a great forum. I am welcomed.

EVELYN (talk)04:21, 12 April 2010

Evelyn, it is good that you finally made it. Here in this forum is where we can best communicate live with each other and it helps a lot with the assignments, as queries can be taken live nad cleared. Thanks for your inputs I really appreciatted--Luisaserra 16:25, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:25, 12 April 2010

Thanks Luisa- I totally understand your reason for keeping the acronmyms in the body of the assignment. THe glossary will be key, in ensuring that the reader of the document, in this case the lecturer, is clear. One of the points in report writing, is to be clear and concise so as to assist the reader in understanding and grasping at first glance. You know the company and the right speak which is part of the company culture, however, the reader of the report does not know that. External users of a report is not necessarily knowledgeable with company culture/values/language.

EVELYN (talk)04:35, 12 April 2010

hie lions lamlogged on luisa i have not read the doc yet l have been experiencing internet challenges since morning. --Shungunyoni 16:18, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)04:18, 12 April 2010

Shungu, please make an effort to read it. This type of assignments is your strength your input is valuable specailly around the critique I tried my best because I only got bullet points from Tracy, so make an effort please--Luisaserra 16:23, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:23, 12 April 2010

the assignement requirement is 15 pages but we have 21 pages. can we cut it down?

Akachi Ngwu (talk)04:30, 12 April 2010

Ackachi if you count the front pages for the assignment and code and all the others like the letter of Mother Teresa, etc we are not far from the 15 pages of the real work, relax--Luisaserra 16:42, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:42, 12 April 2010


l will come back to you after the wiki--Shungunyoni 16:46, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Shungunyoni (talk)04:46, 12 April 2010