It is implicit in the context of knowledge economy that "education", being a sub-system of total societal system and a recognized potential sector,has to focus persistently on " knowledge expansion and dissemination" to transform present society to a potential human development universe. In synch with this noble mission, 'education" should continue to be deemed at par with other service industries, such as health, hospitality, so on and so forth. Current discussion on retailing in education industry may raise eyebrows of many educators. But, certain pertinent questions need to be answered initially--- if any restaurant approached by a group more than its seating capacity, does the administration of that locality punish the restaurant for accommodating such large group? It has never happened? Group of individuals are allowed to consume food being divided into smaller/sizable numbers.If this trend is applicable to hospitality industry than why can't be practiced within education sector. Education, in the current scenario, is to be considered as a fundamental psycho-social need in the line of basic physiological needs. Conventional higher education institutions may not fall within the framework of present discussion. Dual mode universities, open universities and Distance Education Institutions are at the core of the discussion while retailing being a business expansion strategy may be viewed from legislative perspective. Legitimization of retailing in education sector, thus, delimited to distance education programs being offered by Distance education Institutions( D.E.Is)and all courses/programs may henceforth to be offered through any potential institution located elsewhere in the globe. The parent institution( especially open/dual mode universities) should play major role in terms of governance, academic program design and delivery, examination and certification. Such retailing approach in education will in principle provide every learner certain quality education. Another significant issue that arises in the context of Higher Education Institutions( H.E.Is)--- academia and industry interface. Why can't open/dual mode universities offer professional and technical courses right in the lap of industry? Why to invest revenue on researching needs of industry and bringing such need analyses to academia and then to design curriculum? Is not it wastage of our own resources?