The virtual birthing unit project/Sustainability
This lesson should take approximately 30 - 60 minutes and is appropriate for junior midwifery students and anyone interested in sustainability. You will have a look at the sustainable features of the virtual birthing unit in Second Life, read two blog posts, and listen to an online presentation. You will reflect on how you can contribute as a midwife to environmental and parental sustainability. You will publish your thoughts in the form of short written paragraph on the wiki "ecomidwife-sustainability and midwifery". This activity is designed to generate discussion and reflection on the issues of midwifery practice in the wider context of sustainability. This will be open to anyone who has access to the Internet
- Computer and Internet with access to Second Life, Blogger and Wetpaint.
- Basic ability to use Second Life and access the Virtual Birthing
- Demonstrate a beginning understanding of midwifery practice in the wider context of sustainability
1. Look around the virtual birth unit. Look at the sustainable features of the birth unit, click on the objects and read the information provided.
2. Read, watch or listen to at least two of these resources :
- Raising a Nappy Free Baby, Natural Infant Hygiene, Elimination Communication or Infant Potty Training. By Anna Hughes 2009.
- Sustainability and Midwifery. By Anna Hughes 2009.
- Sustainability and midwifery. Elluminate presentation by Lorna Davies 2009
- Sustainable parenting. Elluminate presentation by Anna Hughes 2009
- Ecomidwife - sustainability and midwifery. Introduction to the "ecomidwife" wiki by Lorna Davies
- Discussion: The story of stuff by Annie Leonard
- Discussion: Menstrual cups
- Discussion: Biking and Walking
3. Join the wiki: Ecomidwife - sustainability and midwifery.
4. Reflect on what you have learned about sustainability. Start a new thread, or answer a thread with a comment with your reflections on the Discussion page.
- What are the main issues of sustainability that face us as midwives and as world citizens?
- How can you do your 'bit' for sustainability?
- How can you educate the families you work with about sustainability?