The Anatomy and Physiology of Animals/Chemicals Worksheet

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Chapter 1 Chemicals

1. What is the most abundant molecule in the cell?

2. Name one inorganic molecule in the cell.

3. What is the difference between inorganic and organic molecules?

4. Name the 4 different types of organic molecules to be found in the cell.


5. What is the characteristic of carbon atoms that makes them so versatile?

6. Name the 3 atoms that are always found in carbohydrates.

7. Fats and carbohydrates both contain the same atoms. What distinguishes carbohydrates from fats?

8. Give the 3 main functions of carbohydrates.


9. Which of the following is NOT one of the main types of carbohydrate.

Monosaccharide / Polysaccharide / Sucrose / Disaccharide

10. Monosaccharides: (Indicate if true or false)

  • are sweet to taste
  • are insoluble in water
  • provide energy
  • form important structures in the cell or animal
  • are not easily digested in the gut of mammals
  • are found in grains and potatoes
  • are found in fruits and energy drinks
  • include sucrose, maltose and lactose
  • can be absorbed into the blood directly from the gut without the need for digestion
  • include glucose
  • are formed when disaccharides are split

11. Disaccharides:

  • are sweet to taste.
  • are soluble in water.
  • provide energy.
  • form important structures in the cell or animal.
  • are not easily digested in the gut.
  • are found in grains and potatoes.
  • are found in milk, malt and your sugar bowl.
  • include sucrose, maltose and lactose.
  • can be absorbed into the blood directly from the gut without the need for digestion.
  • include glucose.
  • are formed when 2 monosaccharides are joined.

12. Polysaccharides:

  • are sweet to taste.
  • are soluble water.
  • provide an energy store.
  • form important structures in the cell or animal.
  • can be absorbed into the blood directly from the gut without the need for digestion.
  • are found in grains and potatoes.
  • include sucrose, maltose and lactose.
  • do not need to be digested in the gut.
  • include glucose.
  • are formed when monosaccharides are joined in long strings.
  • include cellulose, starch and glycogen.

13. Fats:

  • are soluble in water.
  • are only soluble in solvents like ethanol.
  • contain hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 2:1.
  • include triglycerides, phospholipids, and some vitamins.
  • provide the body’s most concentrated source of energy.
  • are formed by the joining of several glucose molecules.
  • are found in nuts, seeds and dairy produce.

14. Give 2 differences between saturated and unsaturated fats.

15. Proteins:

  • are formed from carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
  • all contain nitrogen.
  • are made up from many fatty acids.
  • are made up from many amino acids.
  • are very small molecules.
  • are very stable molecules and can withstand heating, etc.
  • are digested in the gut by the enzymes pepsin, trypsin, peptidases and proteases.
  • are digested in the gut by amylases.
  • have a major role in the cell as enzymes.
  • have a major role in the cell to provide energy.
  • are found in cream, potatoes and fruit.
  • are found in meat, nuts and cheese.

16. These statements are true of amino acids:

  • There are 20 different amino acids.
  • All plant foods contain all 20 amino acids.
  • The amino acids not found in sufficient quantities in plants can be made by the body.
  • Meat and dairy produce contain all the essential amino acids.
  • The bond joining amino acids together is called a protein bond.

17. Which is the odd one out?

  1. proteins / fats / glucose / carbohydrates / nucleic acids
  2. glucose / starch / amino acids / fatty acids
  3. starch / cellulose / glycogen / glucose
  4. carbon / iron / hydrogen / oxygen
  5. enzymes / keratin / antibodies / plant cell wall

Worksheet Answers