The Anatomy and Physiology of Animals/Cell Division Worksheet

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Chapter 3 The Cell

1. Complete these sentences with the choices below

78; chromosomes; 39; DNA; specific; haploid; diploid; gametes; inherited characteristics
a) Every cell has tiny rod shaped bodies called..............
b) Genes determine the ..............of an animal.
c) Each cell of a dog has 39 pairs of chromosomes. This is a total of ...........single chromosomes.
d) Every organism has a ..............number of chromosomes.
e) The chemical compound that makes up the chromosomes is............
f) A dog sperm or egg has ..............single chromosomes.
g) Body cells have the chromosomes in pairs. These cells are known as ...............cells.
h) Egg and sperm cells are known as .................
i) Egg and sperm cells have a single set of chromosomes. They are known as ...............cells.

2. Add the type of cell division: Mitosis, Meiosis or Both.

a) The cell division that produces the sperm and egg is called .............
b) The cell division taking place in all tissues for growth and repair is called.............
c) The cell division that occurs immediately after the ovum is fertilised by the sperm is called ..............
d) The cell division that produces haploid cells is called................
e) The cell division that produces diploid cells is called ...............

3. Circle the correct choice. Meiosis only occurs in the:

a) sperm cells
b) egg cells
c) ovary and testis
d) skin

4. Circle the correct choice. During meiosis:

a) the number of chromosomes are doubled
b) the number of chromosomes stay the same
c) the number of chromosomes are halved
d) the chromosomes become DNA

5. A gamete has: half / twice the number of chromosomes that a body cells has.

6. If the gamete of a mosquito has 3 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are there in the body cells?.............

7. If the body cells of chickens have 18 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are there in the sperm cells?..............

8. If the sperm and eggs cells of the housefly have 6 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are there in the maggot?.................

9. If human gametes have 23 chromosomes, how many pairs of chromosomes are there in human body cells?...............

10. The tissue(s) where mitosis occurs most rapidly is the:

brain / muscle / skin / intestinal wall / adult bone / blood / bone marrow

11. Complete the following table:

Purpose of division Growth and repair ................................
Where process occurs in body ................................ ................................
Number of chromosomes

in daughter cells

after division

................................. Half original number
Daughter cells are: Identical to parent cell ..................................

Worksheet Answers