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[hide]Adding video to an HTML file
Example 1: Example of mpeg file using embed tag
- name: mmedia/mvstuck.mpg (101KB)
- width=160 x height=120
<embed src="mmedia/mvstuck.mpg" autostart = "true" border=1 width=160 height=165>
Example2: HTML5 video tag
Video support in different browsers can be found at http://html5test.com/
- Chrome 14 (2011-09-30) H.264, Ogg Theora, WebM (not MPEG-4)
To see how to use the HTML5 video tag go to http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_video.asp
Example3: Embedding a YouTube video
Probably the most common (and best) way to insert video onto your web page is via YouTube (or Vimeo) in an iFrame
Video Formats
- Audio Video Interleave (avi)
- Audio and video Interleaved - standard Windows file (specified 1990). Inefficient in size when compared to newer formats.
- Uses about 1MB per second for the size shown in 160 x 120
- Quicktime (mov)
- Digital video format developed on the Apple Macintosh platform. *Used by Director (which was also developed for the Mac).
- Also supports a Virtual reality format, QuickTime VR, that can be used to display the inside of a room.
- Windows movie (wmv)
- Streaming video introduced to replace avi in 2000. (First released with Win Me). Increasing in popularity
- Motion Picture Experts Group (mpeg, mpg )
- Named after an international standards-settings panel responsible for creating and setting standards for various professional grade video technology.
- MPEG2 is a video compression standard, though like Apples MOV files is ideally suited to sound recordings.
- MPEG-3 was designed to support high definition TV but this was supported by MPEG-2 (Hence MP3 was used for a sound format).
- MPEG-4 is being worked on to allow users to manipulate audio & video (as far as I can determine to allow for interactive/multimedia movies).
- Flash Movie
- When Flash added the ability to embed/link videos into its player, a whole industry sprung up using videos on the web. YouTube is probably the best known. The big advantage was that the Flash player only supports a limited number of codecs so if you have a Flash video, and the player is installed the movie will play. To play flash movies you will need to call a flash player that links to the external flash video (flv) or has the flash movie embedded.
html: <embed> tag
As covered in sound, the embed tag is supported in both IE and Netscape. For example
<embed src="mmedia/mvstuck.mpg" autostart = "true" border=1 width=160 height=165>
Probably the simplest way to add video to your site is to use one of the public services like Youtube and Vimeo. For more information check out the Connected mediapage.
- Float the mouse over the video and an "Embed" button appears.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/31938659?title=0&byline=0& portrait=0" width="400" height="225" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p> <a href="http://vimeo.com/31938659">EIT - World Without Limits</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/eithb">EIT Hawkes Bay</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>