You can add widgets to a Blogger (Blogspot) blog, such as a Calendar, RSS feed, etc. To do this you need to use the Layout Option in Blogger and Select Add a Gadget
The list is much more extensive than shown, so to find one you may have to select the "More Gadgets" tab and use the Search. Once you have found a Gadget use the + button on the right to select the widget and save. Note that Review may not enable the Gadget to work.
For my test Blog go to http://vmv2013-test.blogspot.co.nz/
Adding gadgets to Blogger (Blogspot)
To add a twitter feed to Blogger
- Add a Gadget
- More Gadgets .. Search for Twitter
- Twitter Updates 2.2.1: FeedWitterAdd
- More Gadgets .. Search for Twitter
- Note: no entries will occur until after you have posted a tweet.
RSS Feed
Adding to another site
RSS Feed
To add an Blogspot RSS Feed to another site you need to use the following rss link
Media Wiki
For example
- [1]
- First Post
- — noreply@blogger.com (Anonymous) 2014-03-13 23:16:00
Blogger in MediaWiki
The following code allows you to put an RSS feed into mediawiki
<rss max=4 item-max-length="250" >http://virtualmvblogger.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss</rss>