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The Director interviewed the Vice Chancellor and excerpts follow (Wed 21st May, 2008):
"Quality Assurance must ensure good quality in everything we do. Our infrastructure, teaching programmes. Quality Assurance should be concerned with everything for which the university was set up.
I can't tell if I was asked to mention the achievements of the Quality Assurance Unit since it was set up. However, we've not empowered Quality Assurance to deliver. For example, Quality Assurance is not represented at meetings of high-powered bodies such as the Academic Board and the Executive Committee".
Commenting on the way forward, the Vice Chancellor made reference to his vision, and stressed the point that he would empower Quality Assurance to monitor the progress of the University. The Vice Chancellor said that he had radical ideas that would change the outlook of the University. However, he was cautiously managing change to minimize stepping on toes and to keep most people on the team he was building. Prof. Ameyaw also noted that in a new university such as UEW the challenge was enormous. He said there were competing needs for office accommodation, lecture theatres and a host of others. He said he was therefore carefully considering his priorities. He ended on a confident note, stating emphatically that the university would achieve her objectives in future.