Technology Supported Learning - Resources
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< User:Vtaylor | Technology Supported Learning(Redirected from Technology Supported Learning/TSL Resources)
Resources for using technology in teaching and learning
- Moodle - Course homepage - parts, course format
- Quizzes
- Course settings - appearance, access
Teaching and Learning
- "Development and Adaptation of the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education," Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson. How the seven principles were developed and uses made of them in the late 1980s and early 1990s. to PDF doc
- Designing for flexible learning practice - good comprehensive course materials, alternate presentation of some of the same practices
- Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines, and Effective Practice from Around the Globe (.PDF) - wonderful resource written collaboratively by a community of practice - just shows what can be accomplished
The Impact of Instructional Technologies, Preparing Online Courses, Implementing Technology, E-learning in Action, Engagement and Communication
- Web 2.0... The Machine is Us/ing Us video overview of Web 2.0 concepts and tools
- Faculty / Student Relationship video - interview with Heather Stewart
- Building Trust in Your Online Community - online presence
- Improving the Use of Discussion Boards - Increase the regularity with which students post to class discussion boards, in addition to enhancing the depth and quality of comments they make in those postings.
Media and personal learning
- Binary: converting decimal to binary - Two computer instructors in the CalWomenTech Project developed a YouTube Video strategy to help their students improve their skills in binary numbers, a core concept in computer networking. The two videos combined had more than 53,000 views in the last year!
Blogs and newsletters
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms
- Making change Cathy Moore - ideas for lively elearning
- Will Richardson “Learner in Chief” at Connective Learning and the author of the recently released Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
- Lisa Lane - history instructor, @ONE presenter
- Konrad Glogowski
- Anne Davis Georgia State University, Instructional Technology Center in the College of Education
- Bud Hunt,`instructional technologist
Educational technology
- School of Education at Southern Cross University, NSW Australia ( offers a core course in ICT in its primary and secondary education programs, meeting requirements set by government departments for computer competency of all graduating teachers.
- 25 key FREE tools - handy tools for instructors and students, student recommendations
- Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (EET) is a collection of short multimedia articles on a variety of topics related to the fields of instructional design and education and training. The primary audiences for the EET are students and novice to intermediate practitioners in these fields, who need a brief overview as a starting point to further research on specific topics. Authors are graduate students, professors, and others who contribute voluntarily. Articles are short and use multimedia to enrich learning rather than merely decorate the pages.
- FIREFOX - More than just a browser with 100s of extensions available to provide an enormous range of extra functionality not found with other browsers. ** Recommended for accessing Catalyst / Moodle at DeAnza
- GMAIL/GOOGLE MAIL - No more worrying about an email client on your desktop and dealing with spam and viruses - and tons of free storage space.
- SKYPE - An easy way of not only text messaging your contacts but also free voice calls - with low charges out to landlines.
Open Educational Resources (OERs)
- open textbooks - Foothill-DeAnza, Caltech
- Rice Connexions, MIT, Stanford
- Whole course adoption - Sofia Course Gallery
- open education - David Wiley video
- Librarian Chick - Directory of free learning materials
- California Learning Resource Network Free Digital Textbook Initiative - Math and science textbooks officially adopted for California schools
- Online College Guide - Education - good resource for links to journals, courses, lesson plans, all things education.
There are lots of audio recording - podcasts, about enhancing teaching and learning with technology. These sites were researched and reviewed by students.
- episode 5 of a PBS documentary titled "Declining by Degrees" from the Learning Matters website.
Placement assessment, workshop outline and Completion rubric
Placement assessment - mapping your objectives to the notes, OERs and activities
- entry level - technology literacy, instruction style,
- learning outcomes
- needs, interests
- expectations
workshop outline - suggested path, specific activities
- seven principles - explore, learn, apply/use, reflect
- participation and interaction - discussion forums
- publication - trail, resources, comments and suggestions
- model for students
Activities - for each of the Seven Principles
- read the Overview notes
- post to the discussions Explore, Learn, Apply and Evaluate - respond to discussion prompt questions and other posts
- select a technology for the principle, use it yourself, and develop a learning activity for your own course and describe your experience on your blog
Completion rubric
- time on task - 2 units should take about 24 hours to complete - honor system
- measurable change - what were your expectations, were they met, did you learn anything, was it worth your time
- discussion participation in each of the discussion categories - Explore, Learn, Apply
- optional - course development - sample activities or actual course components
- summary reflection and feedback to facilitator - in-person if possible