Reflection and Review

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Course Three: Reflection and Review

Part 1: Personal Reflection and Group Discussion

1. Before getting into small groups, take a moment to reflect on the following concepts:

  1. Assessment
  2. Feedback
  3. Learning Objectives

Can you create your own definition of each one of the above concepts? What do they mean to you as a teacher? How do they manifest themselves in your classroom? In one way? In a variety of ways?

2. Think back to the last time you provided your students with feedback. What did it look like? Do you think it was effective? Would you be able to improve on it now, having studied Course Three of the International Certificate of Teaching Mastery? If so, how would you improve it?

3. You have now completed the first three courses of the International Certificate of Teaching Mastery. What have you learned about yourself as a teacher so far? Have you been able to identify any areas in your professional knowledge and practice that you would like to work on and improve? Have you identified any strengths in your professional knowledge and practice?

We encourage you to write down your answers. Then, get into small groups (three to five participants) and discuss your responses with your colleagues. Then, consider also addressing the following question as a group: Are there any concepts in Course Three that teachers you work with (in your school or in your community/region) would benefit from learning more about? What are they?

Part 2: Review

1. Explain the value of each element in the "A-REEF" approach to assessment. How can these elements help teachers become more effective? How can they help learners?

2. Take a moment to develop learning objectives for a lesson that you have taught before and know well. Use the ABCD process. Then, develop a rubric that you would use to assess your students' grasp of the material (or a specific aspect of the material).

3. Take a moment to review Bloom's Taxonomy. How can this tool help teachers design more effective opportunities for learning?

4. Explain the advantages of using portfolios for learning and assessment. 

5. Course Three addresses the importance of providing students with opportunities to reflect on their own learning process. How would you implement this in your classroom? How would you demonstrate the need for this approach to your colleagues? How would you convince them to try it in their classrooms?

6. Explain how you would use each of the following in your classroom:

a) Generative Assessment
b) Seamless and Ongoing Assessment
c) Authentic Assessment
d) Performance-Based Assessment

Describe what these assessments would look like and how they would:

a) support student learning
b) enhance your understanding of student learning.

6. How can different assessment models inform teacher practice?

7. How would you describe the methods and approaches of a teacher who is assessment literate? As a mentor or teacher leader, how would you encourage and help develop this kind of literacy in your colleagues and at your school?

8. What are the key elements of effective feedback? Explain the potential impact that each can have on student learning.

Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. fred. (2008, June 13). Education for the New Millennium. Retrieved May 04, 2010, from TWB Courseware Web site. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.