Task Five Day Five

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Day five assignment will appear here and includes an interactive activity that all students will participate in.

On day five it is the responsibility of each student to participate in the Final Friday Contributions Folder. Your task is to follow the directions below, scanning each of the student's folder to find and create the most outstanding results of all our tasks from this week. You may tweak the information taking a bit from each one to make the entire product.


If the first letter of your name starts with a 'J' write the best version of the 30 Second infomercial.

If the first letter of your name starts with an 'S' write the best version of the Star Situation.

If the first letter of your name starts with a 'G' write the best version of the hypothetical question.

If the first letter of your name starts with a 'C' research a position that you feel would be a good fit for someone graduating with your diploma.