Talk:Wiki Pasifika

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Self Introduction of H. I. Johnson001:07, 22 July 2010
Where is the list of participants for the first WikiEd Workshop113:43, 2 November 2007

Self Introduction of H. I. Johnson

Where I come from:Lagos, Nigeria.

How old I am: Young enough to learn.

What do I do for a living: Lecturer at the National Open University of Nigeria.

What experience do I have: Educational media production; Early Childhood Education-(Policy, Curriculum, Implimentation, Practice); Instructional Design for Open and Distance Learning.

Why I am joining the Forum: I believe in sharing and gaining knowledge. More importantly I would like collaboration on project to train trainers and teachers.

Jumokejohnson (talk)01:07, 22 July 2010

Where is the list of participants for the first WikiEd Workshop

--Randy Fisher 01:21, 2 November 2007 (CET)

Wikirandy (talk)13:43, 2 November 2007

Randy - best to point folk to the WikiPasifika list on Google Groups:

Folk need to join the list in order to Post.


There is a listing of User names of folk who participated - but this list is not complete.


Mackiwg (talk)13:43, 2 November 2007