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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Time Estimate for Wiki Artisan017:50, 6 August 2010
Certification possibilities105:15, 25 December 2008
Certificate107:08, 24 October 2008

Time Estimate for Wiki Artisan

In my experience, the tutorials for this level were a bit longer to work through than previous levels. I'm wondering if we could set a standard time frame at 5 - 8 hours. What do you think? If we did a workshop for WikiBuddies to get them to WikiArtisan level, I believe we could cover the material in a single day (with maybe an additional half-day for individual consultation/facilitation/encouragement).--Jrradney 01:38, 6 August 2010 (UTC)

Jrradney (talk)14:38, 6 August 2010

Certification possibilities

Within the certification options, is there any flexibility or input for a self-rating, and, depending on the interest of the community and the availability of folks, some kind of peer review by say three people.

Wikirandy (talk)18:02, 19 November 2007

I too think its a good idea to have more than one person review before certification, as also the idea that people put themselves up for assessment of skills. savi 16:15, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

Savi.odl (talk)05:15, 25 December 2008



I think I now qualify for the Wikiartisan if not wikitrainer certificate. savi 06:28, 23 October 2008 (UTC)

Savi.odl (talk)19:28, 23 October 2008

Hi Savithri,

You were already certified a WikiArtisan on 8 October :-).

If its any consolation -- no one in the Community has the status of WikiTrainer. The reason being, we still need to think carefully about the requirements for WikiTrainer and above. Hoping to get some community consultation going on this soon.

Cheers Wayne

Mackiwg (talk)07:08, 24 October 2008