Talk:WikiGovernance/COLLaGE Content

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Cultural identities and management.012:05, 16 June 2008

Cultural identities and management.

Among the various factors which evince interest, enthusiasm, inspiration and consequent action the cultural identity plays an important role. Such being the case, is it not helpful to use appropriate colours, customs, conventions and practices which are relevant to given context while communicating and interacting with and among the identity groups?

For example, an awareness campaign for enlightening the role, need and power of change-agent leaders among widow/divorced women of all ages of a particular ethnic community. Initiating their re-marriage for ensuring social security and creating opportunities for self-employment can be better managed through effective culture specific reformation approaches. A recent TV interaction programme held in one of the channels of Karnataka, India drew my attention to draft this discussion. A young lady asked a question regarding re-marriage: whether or not it is sanctioned in the traditional source books of code of conduct? And the scholar's answer was an eye-opener and a bold path-finder to that lady.

The value given to such texts are heightened by such probes. And true cultural empowerment is highlighted.

Director (talk)12:05, 16 June 2008