Talk:Using fiction writing to develop empathy/Course description

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Excellent start016:33, 22 April 2015
I love your idea021:42, 20 April 2015

Excellent start

I really like the topic and how you integrate the activities of reading and reflection with creative writing. My only suggestion is to think and communicate the anticipated learning effort in terms of time for learners to get an sense of the scope and effort required to participate and complete the course.

Mackiwg (talk)16:33, 22 April 2015

I love your idea

It seems a very interesting course, Marc. I think it's a great idea to reflect about empathy through the process of literary creation. It seems to me a way to cultivate this so needed value in a society too much individualist. After reading your course description, the truth is that I can not think of anything to add to your idea of the course. Good luck. #DS4OER

Grian (talk)21:38, 20 April 2015