Talk:OERu/Strategic plan 2014 - 2017/Operational priorities

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Question prompts for feedback on operational priorities017:31, 24 May 2014

Question prompts for feedback on operational priorities

We welcome your input and feedback on the OERu 2014 operational priorities and invite you to post your thoughts and ideas before the close of your business on 6 June 2014. Login to WikiEducator and click on the reply link below or start a new thread

  1. Are we missing any important operational priorities? If so please let us know.
  2. Have we got the priority rankings right? If not, why?
  3. Are the operational priorities achievable given existing resources and capacity?
  4. Are the target numbers realistic? Do we need to recalibrate? If so why and how?
  5. Additional consultation questions?
Mackiwg (talk)17:31, 24 May 2014