Talk:OER Handbook/policymaker

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K-12211:24, 17 April 2008

This handbook appears to be geared toward higher ed policy makers. May want to consider adding a section for K-12 (there are many issues; I could outline if you like) or perhaps call this handheld "Higher Ed Policy Maker Guide" and create a separate one for Elementary/Secondary.

Kfasimpaur (talk)09:10, 17 April 2008

The audience of the educator mini-handbook is educators working at all levels "in the trenches," including K-12 educators. The institution handbook is meant for Higher Ed education technologists and the Policy-maker version is meant for...well, policy-makers.

I understand if certain sections seem a little policy-oriented or technical, but I assure you I've been writing with K-12 educators in mind. Having never been a K-12 educator, I have to acknowledge there may be parts of the current draft that do not work as well for K-12. I do try to warn when certain pieces of software are complex or technical. Theory discussions only occur when I feel it is necessary to orient them in the OER community. I also try to flag repositories that might have content that is incompatible with district policy.

To a certain extent, the audience is a difficult one, with varying skill levels and interest. Some parts of handbook might be too much for some educators, while enough for others.

I am very interested in K-12 issues that should be addressed by the OER handbook. I appreciate your willingness to share your expertise.

--Sgurell 22:08, 16 April 2008 (UTC)

Sgurell (talk)11:08, 17 April 2008

Sound good. (I just didn't want to go beyond your intended audience.) If this is intended for K-12 as well, I'll add a section in the policy makers handbook for that. Some of the issues have to do with the textbook adoption and the approval process of DOEs. This relates to international MOEs as well. I don't know if any of them are involved in this project, but I believe the S. African free textbook project people have run into these issues.

--Kfasimpaur 22:24, 16 April 2008 (UTC)

Kfasimpaur (talk)11:24, 17 April 2008