Talk:Learning and Teaching in Practice/Assessment theories, principles and practices

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Definition010:14, 5 November 2013
Standards-based assessment017:24, 4 November 2013
Methods017:08, 4 November 2013
Formative and summative017:06, 4 November 2013


i think you could make more of the 'performance' bit of the definition - this is something which suggest that standards-based assessment is about what the learner can do but does not attempt to make definitive statement about something innate such as 'ability' (as did the old IQ tests or psych tests).

Plus I think the concept of 'evidence' should be unpacked a bit - eg different types such as a practical performance as opposed to knowledge, real-world evidence (eg WBL).

Pleft (talk)17:17, 4 November 2013

Standards-based assessment

I would include something on this since it underpins all of vocational ed in NZ but is not always well-understood by people from societies where norm-referenced assessment is the norm.

Pleft (talk)17:24, 4 November 2013

I wonder if the CS for Emilia might be better left to later as it really deals with a specific method.

Pleft (talk)17:08, 4 November 2013

Formative and summative

Assessment for learning is used in a learner-centred environment. However, assessment of learning is required to ascertain students' achievement and success. Using scenarios, we will follow Emilia and Brett's intrepid journey as they attempt to unravel the mysteries of assessment.

Might be good to link this to the concepts of formative and summative assessment.

Pleft (talk)17:06, 4 November 2013