Talk:Learning4Content/Workshops/Community Media/L4C Adv Day3

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A late entry002:57, 30 April 2009
Do you have a conflict between your LMS and the way that you want to use Web 2 tools?102:50, 30 April 2009

A late entry


Sorry , I had some problems in entering to the group, But Patricia from the Teachers Collaboration group help me to find the right group in yahoo and I am, now trying the discussion section.

My name is Teresa , I am from Portugal, I teach art in a secondary school .And I hope to learn lots of wiki skills and to contribute with some content to the wikieducator.

I am trying to make the required exercises, but as you say it is fustrating , !!!!

Well I am reading almost everything. I downloaded the OER handbook, looks wonderful .

I emailed Randy, not sure if he got the message and sent the learning contract I though we should sent it in the beginning, but may be I will make some changings? I said that I would finish my learning by September , is it ok?

warm regards


Teresa eca (talk)02:57, 30 April 2009

Do you have a conflict between your LMS and the way that you want to use Web 2 tools?


Hi everyone.

Several staff where I work feel that the LMS is too inhibiting or restrictive for what they want to do with their students.

As a consequence , they are looking at going outside the school LMS to set up their own personal wikis and blogs as needed.

Does anyone here have a similar problem?

Regards, Bill Oldham

0woldham8 (talk)19:06, 25 December 2008

I have exactly the same situation with Portuguese high school students. I think that for them Internet is a space of transgression, opposed to the school space of passive reception . The school attempts to have a nice portal and moodle sections are voted to failure

Teresa eca (talk)02:50, 30 April 2009