Talk:Evaluation of eLearning for Effective Practice Guidebook/Class Projects/Alex and Rachel - project page

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Just dropped in to have a nosey. :-)021:09, 14 October 2010
Approach to project plans119:36, 29 September 2010
Timeline117:15, 24 September 2010

Just dropped in to have a nosey. :-)

Wow, this looks like an evaluation with attitude! :-) The chosen, together but shared/separate approach you are attempting has (like you don’t already know) potential for only great or not-so-great results and not much in between as I see it. But reading your plan, I can see you are planning for the former. You certainly have bitten off it seems, to me, quite a bit; you have an obvious passion here above the work. The Kirkpatrick model must be one you must see potential in, and upon quick review I can see why it is appealing. Atrophic plans and their intention in many corporations, or just about anything, is always present when momentum or focus changes. Or simply, the “why” it’s done is forgotten and all that is left is the “what”, that’s what kills progress.

I’m not even going to pretend I know the scale and/or quality of your evaluation, but it sure looks impressive! I’m still trying to figure out what I’m still perceiving a mountain and trying to see it as a mole hill of all the information given :-). The two main audiences and all the secondary audiences being targeted sure sounds like it makes for a large group to contend with and appease with the proposals resulting from the evaluation, good luck.


Kiwicanuck (talk)21:08, 14 October 2010

Approach to project plans

Alex and rachel this sounds like it will work well for you both. Effectively you are still collaborating and the peer review process will be invaluable. I am looking forward to see your "stories" unfold. --Bronwynh 04:28, 6 September 2010 (UTC)

Bronwynh (talk)17:28, 6 September 2010

Hi Bronwyn, I have copied your feedback into a document & am working on re-writing to address your comments. Do you want me to keep posting the updates on the Wiki or just the final version on Oct 4? Please advise :) Many thanks, Rachel H

Rachel humphrey (talk)19:36, 29 September 2010

Hello Alex and Rachel, Well done :-) I like the "Logistics and Timeline" part of your plans, looks very organized and methodological. Dana

Dkarem (talk)22:24, 13 September 2010

Thanks Dana - still a really long way to go ... baby steps ...

Rachel humphrey (talk)17:15, 24 September 2010