Talk:English Language Learners Needs

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Wonderful Page! What does protected mean?012:48, 2 December 2009

Wonderful Page! What does protected mean?

I really love your page.

It is an important contribution to healthcare professionals and trainees. I can empathize with the problems because I am living in a country where I do not speak the language well, and the language barrier in getting medical care is very real.

I am looking to write my contribution page for the Learning4content course, and I am looking for templates to make my page look professional.

What does protected mean by your discussion template? Is the content or the layout or the template protected? Does protected mean that no one can copy it or use it on a wiki page?

Thank you in advance for a reply, --redcamarocruiser 21:49, 1 December 2009 (UTC)

Redcamarocruiser (talk)10:49, 2 December 2009