Talk:EDSLIONS/weekly discussions/June 06, 2010

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Closing Remarks405:12, 7 June 2010
921M1005:06, 7 June 2010
926s Update204:47, 7 June 2010
923P update704:44, 7 June 2010
922N update404:22, 7 June 2010
Quorum1304:12, 7 June 2010

Closing Remarks

Dear Lions, Thanks for the wikichat and sharing the progress. Kaygo, Hove and Victor you are really setting the pace, highly appreciatted, keep it up and let's make sure we all follow to turn around the assignmnet marks. Wish you all a great week and looking forward to chat with you next Sunday at the same time and place--Luisaserra 16:57, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:57, 7 June 2010

Welcome Luisa and all those who have attended.

Hove (talk)04:59, 7 June 2010

Thanks Luisa for wonderfully chairing this meeting once again. Cheers!!

Victor.mensah (talk)05:04, 7 June 2010

thanks Luisa...i will be attaending the England vs USA match on Saturday so in the event there is a terrorist attack please excuse me from next weeks wiki! ciao!

Kay go (talk)05:09, 7 June 2010

Kaygo i had a ticket from Coke to attend the semi-final match but I gave it to my best performer in my team, just to make you jealous--Luisaserra 17:12, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)05:12, 7 June 2010

Jeremiah, Akachi and Evelyn, any updates from you on this assignment--Luisaserra 16:40, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:40, 7 June 2010

Lions, i will send an email to the sub group requesting an update after the wikichat. I have not seen any of the memebers online--Luisaserra 16:44, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:44, 7 June 2010
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 04:55, 7 June 2010

please send them a stern email, its becoming a little unacceptable now

Kay go (talk)04:50, 7 June 2010

Not Akachi alone. I have never had a wikichat with Evelyn. Where are the penalties guys like what you did to me last year. Ethics emphasize on the issue of fairness but the opposite is true here.

Hove (talk)04:56, 7 June 2010

Hove, I believe you are absolutely right, some penalties have to come to play very soon for some members. I will send an email to the Lions on this, it cannot carry on--Luisaserra 17:01, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)05:01, 7 June 2010

I hope all is well with these guys,if i'm not mistaken, they don't seem to be represented on wiki today... --Shumimlingo 16:45, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:45, 7 June 2010

Nothing is well if they do not attend a WIKICHAT all of them. It seems we are gradually not valuing these meetings. But this is where we chat the way forward. Guys with the marks which we got all group members should have the serenity to avail themselves. We are talking about huge investments which all of us have made and we do not put value. ITS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE.

Hove (talk)04:54, 7 June 2010

I think going forward, absence from wiki-chats without fair warning should lead to a percentage mark deduction of up to 10% on all remaining assignments. The Group leader should have the right to make the appropriate decisions.

Kay go (talk)05:00, 7 June 2010

Kay go, penalties will be agreed by the group and not by one member, that is the way the Lions have decided the way forward, let me send the email and them we take it from there, but it is unacceptable not to attend the wikichat--Luisaserra 17:02, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)05:02, 7 June 2010


Kay go (talk)05:06, 7 June 2010

I agree with you.

Hove (talk)05:03, 7 June 2010

926s Update

we have prepared the SOW, we still discussing it among the sub group we should avail it to the rest of the group by Tuesday.

Kay go (talk)04:39, 7 June 2010

Great progress thanks to your sub group--Luisaserra 16:40, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:40, 7 June 2010

Thanks Luisa for your kind words

Victor.mensah (talk)04:47, 7 June 2010

923P update

Victor, Kaygo, Hove any updates on your progress on this assignmnet?--Luisaserra 16:26, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:26, 7 June 2010

As highlighted last week we have already started. Our intention is to get our drafts on or before the due dates. We have seen the lecturer's guide on EDS

Assignment 2 - guideline The assignment should not be longer than 10 pages, Times Roman 12, 1.5 line spacing. MTN wants to move its headquarters to Dubai. Microsoft develops its software in India. FIFA World Cup 2010 manufactured its merchandise in China. Brandhouse is building a brewery in Namibia. Volvo assembled cars in Botswana. Some SA manufacturers complete part of their value chain in Lesotho. The then Deputy President of SA wanted to grow the business process outsourcing industry to compete against India. Why? Because different countries offer varying advantages and disadvantages. Michael Porter talks about ‘Competitiveness of Nations’.

I get the impression that people are losing sleep on International Best Practices. Some are looking for a book or a journal with such a title. This is disturbing. Best practices are in every subject that is taught at the school, HR, Finance, strategy to name a few. As an example, it is good practise for a company to establish a JV with a domestic company in a foreign market due to lack of knowledge of the market. This aspect would appear in marketing, finance or strategy, even operations. Wal-Mart wants to enter SA and it is speculated that it might buy Massmart. Is it not a good practice to acquire an existing firm to minimise the risk? Last but certainly not least, I am inundated with calls from delegates asking various questions ranging from ‘Should we analyse Indonesia?’ to ‘Should we really interview someone who has been an expatriate?’ This has left me wondering whether the questions are not clear enough. Or delegates simply call lecturers when they get stuck in traffic. Or this has become a ‘culture’ to ‘confirm’ everything. The one question that has a potential to make me stop smoking grass and go for something much stronger is ‘What exactly are you expecting in this assignment?’ May I answer this question for generations to come please? I am expecting Answers. Well thought and researched answers. There is no one approach that is better than another as long as the key elements are addressed. I am looking for critical thinking one would hope to find at masters level. Unfortunately some of you have adopted the attitude ‘Pass and learn after the graduation’. We will have to sort that out in Strategy.

Hove (talk)04:31, 7 June 2010

The bottom line lions, is that,

  1. We have redone the SOW to meet these requirements that have come to light, and
  2. we are still waiting for feedback/comments from members on our SoW and work approach. Almost none have come so far.

But this sub-team is well on course.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:33, 7 June 2010

Victor, next time can you guys just give the topics on how you are tackling the questions, maybe the Lion memebers can suggest a few things not just at the end but as you are writting.--Luisaserra 16:38, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:38, 7 June 2010

Yes Luisa. Will work on that and keep updating.

Victor.mensah (talk)04:39, 7 June 2010

Lions, this is exacly what I think Mr. Mosala is all about, and this time I sincerely hope we can meet his expectations, otherwise the future looks gloom.Looking forward to hear from you on your progress.--Luisaserra 16:36, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:36, 7 June 2010

Come now Luisa do not gloomify the future, whats done is done, heads up and lets focus on things we can change we are going to tackle this one agressively...

Kay go (talk)04:44, 7 June 2010

Thanks guys. We need to nail this one. --Shumimlingo 16:38, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:38, 7 June 2010

922N update

Dear Lions, we did not manage to get the info needed from Evelyn. So we are back to Uganda. We are looking at a Ugandan company by the name of Uganda Clays Limited. It was a goverment owned company and one of the first to be listed. Shumi and I we are expecting to get the outstanding info by the begining of next week, it has been a real challenge.SOW will be out tomorrow, firts draft being discussed between the 3 of us at this point in time--Luisaserra 16:10, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:10, 7 June 2010

So it means you guys are pretty certain that you will get the required information? What is Evelyn saying?

Hove (talk)04:15, 7 June 2010

Evelyn, has changed jobs, so she is having challenges with the internet, and replying to emails, so it is deadly dangerous to be waiting for info that might come too late to do a proper assignment, and we really need to turn around the trend. That can only be achieved by doing this assignments with more quality time.--Luisaserra 16:18, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:18, 7 June 2010

Thanks Luisa, this sounds like a good strategy

Victor.mensah (talk)04:22, 7 June 2010

Ok. As you said earlier in your email the sooner we start the better such that we will have apple time to correct and counter-correct.

Hove (talk)04:22, 7 June 2010

Kindly indicate your attendance here. Who is chairing this meeting? Luisa?

Victor.mensah (talk)02:04, 7 June 2010

Hi. Online

Hove (talk)03:43, 7 June 2010

Welcome SIR Hove. How have you been?

Victor.mensah (talk)03:49, 7 June 2010

Very well thank you. How has been your week?

Hove (talk)03:51, 7 June 2010

been rather heavy as we wrap up our financial year. The cold is also killing my sorry west-african self. Gush, i hate this season! But it shall be well.

Victor.mensah (talk)03:54, 7 June 2010

I thought by now you are used to the weather. This week this side was not too bad. It was moderate.

Hove (talk)03:58, 7 June 2010

My Southern African Brothers How are you check SOW in your mailboxes in a few minutes. hi everyonelse

Kay go (talk)04:01, 7 June 2010

How are you Mr Mosinyi? Congrats guys for acheiving 79% being the group's highest mark so far. I hope we will exceed this on our 2nd assignments.

Hove (talk)04:04, 7 June 2010

eish...i apologise for not attaining the desired 80% as the group leader ON THE ASSIGNMENT i take full responsibility...

Kay go (talk)04:07, 7 June 2010

We will make it, do not worry

Hove (talk)04:10, 7 June 2010

Good Evening Folks...

Hope you're well

--Shumimlingo 16:04, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:04, 7 June 2010

Shumi ndeipi mufana? How are you keeping?

Hove (talk)04:05, 7 June 2010

I'm ok Mr Hove. Hanging in there...

--Shumimlingo 16:12, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Shumimlingo (talk)04:12, 7 June 2010

Hi Lions, How wss the week, I hope everything was great.--Luisaserra 16:05, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)04:05, 7 June 2010