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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Reverting back to content000:54, 8 July 2010
Corralling resources001:05, 15 June 2010
Free Training Materials000:06, 16 May 2008
New title023:18, 15 May 2008

Reverting back to content

I just reverted back to the last version that contained the content we had before. Please review history to make sure the current version is the correct one.--Benjamin Stewart 11:54, 7 July 2010 (UTC)

Bnleez (talk)00:54, 8 July 2010

Corralling resources

I love the concepts of open education etc. What it seems like we should NOT do though is simply link to a bunch of external resources. For example, I found this: which contains some great material, but should we convert things like this to a community editable format that is hosted all in the same place? Daviddoria 12:05, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Daviddoria (talk)01:05, 15 June 2010

Free Training Materials

I can't see where on your site you can donate free resources

I have provided a link below to our documentation to use as you see fit)all training materials for Microsoft Applications eg Excel, Visio, Project etc (they can all be edited in Word and can be used without limitation)


Johncaulfield (talk)00:06, 16 May 2008


Laoyu2003 (talk)23:18, 15 May 2008