Talk:Collaborative Video - Help and Sandbox

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How to delete files010:37, 14 April 2009
Vocabulary/jargon021:26, 7 February 2008
Problems with resources021:11, 7 February 2008

How to delete files


Here's a screencast of my question: Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Benjamin

Bnleez (talk)10:37, 14 April 2009



It is the first time that I meet up with the word 'widget'. Maybe a link to an explanatory page would be useful here?

Karenferreira (talk)21:26, 7 February 2008

Problems with resources


The idea of a collaborative video is very attractive to me, but unfortunately, my department does not have the necessary tools and resources to work on such an instrument. I would love to hear from others how they 'solved' this little problem.

Karenferreira (talk)21:11, 7 February 2008