TFI Knowledge Base/Maths/Measurement

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Grade 1

Std 1.22

They recognize the need for measuring these attributes (measurement can answer ‘how much’ instead of having to be content with more/less).

  1. SWBAT describe objects as longer/shorter, heavier/lighter (EI K.12)

Std 1.25

They understand that calendar and clock are tools which measure time. They know the concepts of calendar time like- days of a week, months of a year, and number of days in a month (as mostly 30 or 31 except February which has 28).

  1. SWBAT name the days of the week

Grade 2

Std 2.23

Students compare (using relative vocabulary), estimate and measure length, weight and capacity using non-standard units like stick, stone and jug respectively. They also measure area by covering the surface with squares and capacity by filling with cubes.

  1. SWBAT measure objects by length/mass/capacity by using a non-standard measure (such as finger lengths for example)
  2. SWBAT add/subtract basic measures (without conversion)

Std 2.25

They know standard units for length (m, cm), weight (kg) and capacity (l, ml) and use these units to measure using simple measurement tools like scale, metre rod, weighing balance and litre jug, measuring cup etc. They have an idea of the size of these units through concrete examples and use these units for measurement and estimation.

  1. SWBAT identify appropriate units used to measure familiar objects (length, weight, capacity)

Std 2.26

They know the number of days in each month and in a year including leap year. They can read a calendar and identify days, dates, holidays on it and they know about the seasons in relation to the months.

  1. SWBAT identify the months of the year

Std 2.27

They know the number of minutes in an hour and are able to read time to the nearest half hour.

  1. SWBAT tell time to the nearest half-hour

Std 2.30

By composing and decomposing rupees (not using decimal point), they find total value and give change for small amounts.

  1. SWBAT calculate a sum based on money (no paise involved)

Std 2.31

They explore different ways of paying small sums involving rupees and paise.

  1. SWBAT determine a way to pay a particular amount of money

Extra Topics


  1. SWBAT use the terms today/yesterday/tomorrow to refer to and identify particular days

Grade 3

Std 3.35

Through concrete examples, they have an idea of the size of each unit and they understand, for example, the suitability of kilometre for measuring long distances, metre for the length of a cloth, millimetre for the length of a nail, kilogram for the weight of apples, gram for the weight of a small pack of biscuits, milligram for the weight of a gold ring, kilolitre for the capacity of a tank, litre for Coke bottle, millilitre for a small bottle of perfume and so on.

  1. SWBAT choose the appropriate measurement for a given object or task (weight, length, capacity)

Std 3.37

In concrete situations, they are able to add/subtract measures including those involving simple conversions from bigger units to smaller e.g. kg to grams.

  1. SWBAT convert from bigger units to small units for length (m to cm), weight (kg to g) and capacity (L to mL).
  2. SWBAT add/subtract basic measures (without conversion)

Std 3.38

They know how to check for a leap year. They are able to read time to the nearest minute using ‘minutes past’, ‘minutes to’ (and also ‘half past’, ‘quarter past’, ‘quarter to’). They understand that ‘forty minutes past six’ is same as ‘twenty minutes to seven’.

  1. SWBAT identify time to the nearest 15 minutes (EI 2.27, IGCSE 3rd)

Std 3.39

They know the number of seconds in a minute and understand the hour-minute-second relation.

  1. SWBAT convert between minutes and hours

Std 3.40

They have an idea of the duration of a second besides that of a minute and an hour. They know the duration of some activities in seconds e.g. winking of an eye, drinking a glass of water. They estimate the duration of various activities/events in seconds besides those in minutes and hours and actually measure and compare with the estimates.

Std 3.41

They thus become able to choose a suitable unit (from hours, minutes and seconds) to measure the time of an event.

Std 3.42

They are able to calculate the duration of time like from 10 p.m. to 2.20 a.m.. They are able to add and subtract time (involving simple conversion from bigger units to smaller).

  1. SWBAT calculate the time between two given times (no am/pm conversion, only times at half-hour/hour)

Std 3.43

In concrete situations of buying and selling, they add and subtract money in decimal notation. They give change and find total value fluently.

  1. SWBAT add/subtract money (in rupees only) in word problems (EI 2.31)
  2. SWBAT calculate change and identify multiple ways of making a given amount of money
  3. SWBAT identify paise as quarter/half/three-quarters of a rupees

Extra Topics

Calendar, Time/Day Conversions, concept of area(in IGCSE 3rd)

  1. SWBAT identify month, day, day of the week, and year on a calendar (EI 2.26, IGCSE 3rd)
  2. SWBAT identify the months of the year (EI 2.26)
  3. SWBAT convert between minutes/hours, hours/days, days/weeks, and months/years

Grade 4

Std 4.25

Students extend their knowledge of metric units for length, weight and capacity completely from milli to kilo. They understand the pattern within metric system of units for, say length, and know that it is similar for others too like weight and capacity.

  1. SWBAT distinguish between units used for length, weight, and capacity
  2. SWBAT choose the appropriate unit of measure for a given object (for length, weight, and capacity)

Std 4.26

They have an idea of the size of the units and give examples of where the commonly used units (kg,g,mg,km,m,cm,mm,l,ml) are used/applied.

  1. SWBAT identify appropriate units used to measure familiar objects

Std 4.29

They know how to convert between the units (both from bigger to smaller and smaller to bigger involving whole numbers only e.g. 3000mg = 3g).

  1. SWBAT convert between units (ex. Millimeter, centimeter, meter, kilometer)

Std 4.30

In meaningful contexts- they add, subtract, multiply and divide measures including those involving simple whole number conversion between units.

  1. SWBAT add/subtract measures (including simple conversions)

Std 4.31

In concrete situations, they are able to carry out all four operations on time including those involving whole number conversion between units. They understand the basis of conversion i.e. multiplication/division by 60 for a step (hour-minute or minute-second) and by 60x60 for two steps (hour-second) directly through unitary method.

  1. SWBAT convert between minutes and hours (including non-exact hours) (3.39)
  2. SWBAT add/subtract times, including those involving carry-over
  3. SWBAT solve word problems involving addition/subtraction of time

Std 4.32

They know about 24-hour clocks, can convert between 12 and 24-hour clocks and use 24-hour clocks to read train, bus and airline time tables etc. They also know about analog and digital clocks, a decade, a century and a millennium.

  1. SWBAT read time to the nearest 5 minutes (EI 3.38)
  2. SWBAT convert time between 12 hour clocks and 24 hour clocks

Std 4.33

They have an idea of the cost of common things and a rough estimate of many others. They are able to add and subtract money in decimal notation (without decimal conversion)

  1. SWBAT add and subtract money (including paises) in arithetmetic and word problems
  2. SWBAT solve money problems that involve basic multiplication and division

Std 4.35

They understand the meaning of perimeter. They find the perimeter of square, rectangle, triangle and develop formula for perimeter of square and rectangle and also solve problems involving perimeter of composite shapes composed of these shapes.

  1. SWBAT define and calculate perimeter of regular and irregular shapes
  2. SWBAT determine area of a shape by counting boxes inside

Calendar, reading dates

  1. SWBAT identify dates, days of the weeks, months, and year on a calendar

Grade 5

Std 5.24

Students are able to convert fluently between commonly used units of metric system involving both whole numbers and decimals.

  1. SWBAT convert between meters and kilometers
  2. SWBAT convert between litres and millileters
  3. SWBAT convert between grams and kilograms

Std 5.25

In concrete situations – they are able to carry out all four operations with metric measures including those involving conversions with decimal numbers. They estimate and verify the reasonableness of the results.

  1. SWBAT add/subtract measurement quantities including carry-over (ex. 9l 120 ml + 5l 950 ml) and perform these calculations in word problems
  2. SWBAT multiply measurement quantities including carry-over and perform these calculations in word problems
  3. SWBAT to convert between units, using decimal forms

Std 5.28

In concrete situations, they are able to compute with time using and applying conversion between units more confidently and correctly.

  1. SWBAT calculate the duration between given times (only hours and minutes)
  2. SWBAT convert between hours-minutes-seconds (4th EI)

Std 5.29

They are able to carry out all four fundamental operations on money in decimal notation in meaningful contexts. They solve problems on simple household finance - billing, cost of tickets, weekly savings etc.

  1. SWBAT add/subtract/multiply with money in decimal notation in real-life situations

Std 5.32

They understand the concept of perimeter and area simultaneously by using concrete objects and diagrams. They develop formulae for calculating perimeter of rectangle, square, triangle, pentagon, hexagon and are able to calculate the perimeter of composite figures composed of these shapes. They compute area using informal units like squares on a squared paper etc

  1. SWBAT calculate perimeter of a triangle/rectangle/square/other polygon
  2. SWBAT calculate the perimeter of a rectangle using the formula 2 x length x breadth
  3. SWBAT calculate the perimeter of a square using the formula
  4. SWBAT solve word problems that require finding perimeter and its applications.
  5. SWBAT identify area as the space inside a 2-D object
  6. SWBAT solve for area using the correct units
  7. SWBAT estimate the area of an irregular figure by estimating the number of squares inside a shape.

Extra Topics

  1. SWBAT Calculate Days between given dates